Projects & Donations


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Due to the damage in 2025 caused by a vandal driving wrecklessly via the car park on to the football fields, we are looking to invest in more secure gates to the car park and high grade CCTV. The current gates are unusable, as are heavy and unsafe – we have been advised that they are unfixable. The last quote was for near £15k, so other options are being investigated. This will most likely be a lengthy process so the installation of security cameras will be more immediate


A major project that we are looking into is the installation of heat pumps, solar panels, associated batteries and heating improvements in the hall. This requires a huge amount of funds for which we have been actively seeking monies for via the Lottery Fund Grant . We have had to adjust our requirements slightly but we are hopeful that we can progress further. The heating in the hall has been a major issue, especially over the last couple of years due to the colossal increase in energy costs. It is a large area to heat and we urge hall users to keep windows and doors shut over winter where possible for the benefit of other hall users.

The aim is to not only be more cost efficient so to improve the warmth in the hall but also to become more environmentally friendly and forward-looking